Replica Louis Vuitton AAA- Wallet On Strap Bubblegram
99 sold
The Louis Vuitton AAA- Wallet On Strap Bubblegram is a versatile and stylish accessory that can be used as a wallet. shoulder bag. cross-body bag. or clutch. It measures 20 x 12 x 6 cm (7.9 x 4.7 x 2.4 inches) in length. height. and width. making it the perfect size for carrying your essentials. The wallet is made of black. monogram-embroidered. quilted calf leather. which is soft and padded for added comfort. The microfiber lining ensures that your belongings are protected and secure.
The wallet features gold-color hardware. including a magnetic closure that keeps your items safe. Inside. there is a zipped pocket and a flat pocket with three card slots. providing ample space for your cards. cash. and other small items. The strap is removable and adjustable. with a strap drop of 14.6 inches and a strap drop max of 21.3 inches. The chain is also removable. with a chain drop of 16.9 inches.
Part of the Bubblegram line. this Wallet on Strap is a practical and on-trend accessory that is perfect for any occasion. The sporty nylon strap allows for easy shoulder or cross-body carry. while the chic design makes it suitable for evening wear. When the strap is removed. it transforms into a stylish clutch that is perfect for a night out. Overall. the Louis Vuitton AAA- Wallet On Strap Bubblegram is a must-have accessory for anyone who wants to stay stylish and organized.
Product details
- 20 x 12 x 6 cm | 7.9 x 4.7 x 2.4 inches(length x Height x Width)
- Black
- Monogram-embroidered. quilted calf leather
- Microfiber lining
- Gold-color hardware
- Magnetic closure
- Inside zipped pocket
- Inside flat pocket with 3 card slots
- Strap:Removable. adjustable
- Strap drop: 14.6 inches
- Strap drop max: 21.3 inches
- Chain:Removable
- Chain drop: 16.9 inches
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